Today's Tanuki news.(2021/02/05)




-The number of infected people in the world has already peaked out.

-Some reports suggest that it will take some time to end.

 -BUT, the expected jobs report was not so good.

-If economic indicators are poor, economic assistance will be provided.

-In fact, stock prices are up today.

 -Due in part to China, exporters' financial results are strong.

-There are quite a few record high profits.

-Exports to the US are also strong.

-The food and beverage industry is also divided between light and dark.

-After all, brokerage services are not performing well.

-Kadokawa's profit margin is growing rapidly.

-On the other hand, there are concerns that demand will be preempted.

 -There is also a partial trend to shift to the suburbs.

-The performance of the world's largest IT companies has been phenomenal.

-Taking advantage of monetary easing, corporate bond issuance in the order of one trillion yen is on the rise.

-The widening gap is a limitation of monetary policy.

-The stock market is once again coming in too biased towards buying.



1 業種間の格差拡大(巣ごもり需要)

2 潤沢な金融・財政支援策

3 それらに伴う需要の先食い(補助金、GOTO期限などの駆け込み需要)






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